Tuesday, 18 March 2014

'Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone' J K Rowling by Janki Patel 9JO

The Harry Potter books are a mysterious series of books to escape into a wonderful world of wizardry. Harry potter and the Philosophers stone is a story about Harry and his two new friends settling down for their first year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft. But they take part in evil without knowing. Harry Potter is a shy and self-doubting and puts up with a lot from his awful aunt Petunia and uncle Vernon and fat cousin Dudley. Unfortunately Harry lost his parents in a car crash, when he was a baby and that’s how he received the strange lightning-shaped scar across his forehead. 

Ever since then he has slept in the cupboard under the stairs at the Dursleys' house in Privet Drive and the thing he has to look forward to is starting at the secondary school next term he will be well away from Dudley who will be going to his father's old, expensive school called the Smeltings. Many people know a lot more about harry more than he does himself. He is about to discover all the friends and enemies he has in a different kind of magical world. Other than the one he was brought up in. This book includes a lot about reality like learning who you can trust and who you can’t, settling into a new school and making friends. 

The good thing about this book is that it is twisted and makes you think and how the story all fits together.

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